Tadaaaa!!! My very first chocolate box with pralines. I tried paper box but, seem that I need more time for tiny paper boxes. lol After some mistakes and unsatisfied results of mini-paper boxes I gave up (for the moment) and gave it a tried on lay box instead. Was not bad, I think (the round one in front). :) So, I tried heart and hexagonal shape. Wish the chocolates are edible. *bite* *bite* *bite*
Things to try out though. Happy holiday, merry Christmas and happy new year! :)
I got up with something new in my head (yet I'm still in cupcake mood). :P
I decided to try a macaroon preparation board, seem that there is not enough space for what I had in mind. lol So, I made it a prep board with 4 different types of baked macaroon cookie in cream filling process. These tiny things took me from 8 am. to 3 pm. to get them all done, working with air dry clay takes time... I like the cookie edge effect though. :)
I'm thinking about changing the cream disk. Not quite 'right' for me. Any suggestion?
I made this cake intended to make it as a combination of cake and a flower bouquet. I used to make a cake represented a 'dinner table for our first dating', like it so much... And this cake is something for special occasion as if 'he' came to your door, ring the bell with flower bouquet in his arm waiting for the door to open...
O.K., still in my cupcake obsession mood! :D Yesterday I made this prep. board. It's a fruit cupcake prep. board. I made flower cupcakes for the other prep. board and it's sold out and I still enjoy making cupcake and wanted to make something else different. I also made green tea cupcake which (I think) made the prep. board more colorful. After taking picture of the prep. board, I found out that the best spot in the picture I like is the left up corner where the 3 ready made cupcakes are (looks festive-IMHO). Wanna give them a bite or two... *blush*
I received a nice surprise blog award from Staphanie (Petit Plat by sk) the other day and had problem to pass this award to miniaturist/artisan I admire. I admire many of them and it's difficult to make 6 out of all, I like Stephanie's works but, I can't pass this award back to her (or can I?). After a while I figured out that some of them are already awarded, feel relieve now. *^^*
Here are 6 dollhouse/doll/miniature artisans whom I would like to pass this blog award to:
Between cupcakes I made a pie preparation board. And yes, making pie not baking pie. :P Was thinking about some certain type of pie for the prep. board but, I finally changed my mind. It's more fun letting others use their imagination. One may like blueberry-lemon cream pie while another would like it to be strawberry-banana or maybe other kind of pie. :)
After all, I wonder if I'm trying to make this a pie prep. board or a cheese cake prep. board... hm... :P
Holidays are coming closer and closer. I made Christmas cakes and holiday bundt cake. *^^* I really like this bundt cake with its texture, color and 'taste'. :D Chocolate marble bundt cake! The most difficult part was decorating, I like the cake texture as itself and also wanted to decorate the cake. Over decoration will distract and disturb the marble texture, no decoration? too plain I thought. So, here we are... *^^*
And finally, I made my 'King' cupcakes. They are bigger than the cupcake I made in the past, but still in shape and scale. Cupcake lover will enjoy the size (I think :)). I've seen many beautiful real cupcake and the most 'yummy' part is its decoration. I'm now trying to make my cupcake yum... I also make cupcake for your ears! :D
Well, I meant my mini-cake size. I'm making semi 1:6th and 1:12th scale size cake, king size 1:12th scale which also can be used as small size play scale cake for Pullip, Blythe and Momoko doll. I'm falling in love with Momoko and Pullip... :P
With this cake, I tried a new technique on frosting. Doesn't look bad (I think). :D It's soooooooooooo good to get back to my 'clay play' again. *^_________^*
It's always like this... missing ice cream when temperature is heading down and cold wind is blowing. But this year I'll be able to enjoy ice cream living in the big mango! :D
I guessed there is something wrong with me making Halloween items during spring, ice cream on winter, Valentine's items on fall, etc. -_-' Will I ever make things right? When I started making these 'out of season' items it was mainly because I missed them, I think there are some of us out there feeling similar... Or?
Anyway, this prep. board is homemade ice cream with toppings you can add as much as you want. :D
Christmas is coming. I was waiting for Santa the whole childhood life and still waiting. My favorite reindeer is Rudolf. Don't ask me why, I guessed it was just love at first sight. I even have Rudolf a reindeer doll myself. ;)
I just finished making a chocolate Christmas Poinsettia cake (the one above) and kinda like it. Time flies, time flies...
After a long time of disappearance, I didn't go anywhere really. Was haunting around with my mini-obsession as usual, the only difference was that I can't access to internet. Life!
Anyway, I'm back now! :D Healthy? No idea, but happy and in good mood. Things to do and so little time a day... I'm getting back to my flower and veggie works again. Winter is coming and soon some of my fav. fruits will over. Made a fruit board for this summer remembrance... Till then... :)
We all are aware of health and healthy food lately. But who would say no to fresh grilled steak?Let's make it healthy meal with green salad and some veggies! :)
I made this meal set out of my own hunger. lol Beside green salad bowl I added 2 fresh baked buns, mashed potato and some other veggies to the dish. Anything else missing? Oh well... let's eat! ;)
Making a wedding cake with philosophy behind, it makes the cake so meaningful and I love it! :)
I made this cake a simple inclined 4-tier wedding cake. The flowers represent things happened before two person become one.
The first tier, the base one, with 4 flowers means 'when we first met we were in the middle of people, friends...'. The second tier with 3 flowers means 'then, we were getting closer to each other - meet the parents'. The third tier with 2 flowers means 'now, it's all about 'us', only 2 of us'.
The fourth tier with a single flower means 'finally it's the day, two of us becomes one person'.
Still with flower influence! lol My favorite mini-cakes are fruity and floral kind. From time to time I also make fancy/fantasy cake. I'm simply addicted! :P
Many clay lover folks ask me questions about clay flower making. For certain size and scale mini-flowers there are cutters such as Kemper cutter for petals and leaves for flower maker to use. However, for smaller size flowers like these I used to decorate my mini-cake were all handmade (scratches, rolls, squeezes, etc. :D).
To start making flower, it's a real good start follow instruction/tutorial available online (or wherever available) for life size flower. It's important to learn and understand basic practices and techniques prior to mini-flower. After you are familiar with life or bigger size flower making, you can start reduce size. From here, when it's limitation on tools and cutters, you will be forced to invent your own technique to get what you want. And then you will develop your own 'style'. I'm also learning and practicing.
Inspired by strong sun and colorful tropical flowers. I'm back to clay play and this time it's clay flower. lol
One good thing about making these flowers is a joy of variation! Natural flowers are unique, one always different from another. Difference in tint, tone and shade, shape and size. I also have fun arranging these tiny flowers in vase, jar, etc. I even bottled them. :D
Tropical plants are also beautiful. Sometime you do not need any flower, just some plants and that's enough. Beauty of green. :) Well, I like both so, I use both and ta daaaaaaaaaaa! Here's my 'Tropicana Exotica' flowers! :)
After a while of mini-making, some friends are asking how is my mini-making place look like. I make miniatures here and there (wherever space available :D), but the place I named 'my mini-station' is this place. The place is spelled once I sit there I can't drag myself out until something is made.
I know you know that the desk is not always this clean, always somethings on it. lol
At the corner is my latest custom made items, a wooden cart with home baked breads and buns:
It's fun receiving an empty cart/dish/plate/etc. with a short message 'I want it filled with...' :D
Hehehe :D I know, I know, but I couldn't help. Seem that I can't just keep my hands away from the clay that long. Finally, I got back to my clay stuff. *blush* Only this time it was not cake or bakery.
I like tiny flowers in a glass jar. I found that it gives me an impression of a private 'small world' kind of feeling. I don't know if any of you feel the same way. Well, it's as if I can keep a short period of time I like in there. ;)
I've made some flower stuff, ornaments, tiny 3-D flower framed 'picture', bottled flower, etc. It was fun with good, warm feelings while making them and I love all of them. :)
Another sand clay items I've made. I named this one 'time in a bottle'. The bottled flowers are together with sand clay lid.
I'm getting ready for my vacation. Woo Hooooo! I'm now on my miniature break - only lazy around, eat and sleep. :P I try to put miniature things aside until I'm back with new things in my head. :)
It's also difficult not to go online as often as I used to do (yes, I know I'm addicted). lol I'm planning to get back to my wood work, crochet and paper craft things even if my wood work doesn't seem to go anywhere, but it's fun and I can't just stay away from it once I've 'chance'. ;) Oh, I hope it will be better once I 'grow up' enough. :D
After all from my new clay play experiment, I made a fridge magnet using my own sand clay recipe. I think the result came out quite good.
Like many other who 'play' with clay and experiment on their own clay, the recipes available online are great guideline to start with. I did not follow strictly with the amount/quantity of each ingredient. I just adjust the ingredient until I got clay texture I like. :D
On this experiment, I tried the fine sand instead of cornstarch and 'played around' a bit. The dried sand clay gives nice color with 'rough' texture appearance, but the real texture is nice and fine. I also love the color of the clay. :)
I'm currently doing a small experiment with the ADCs, fluidized them, harden them up, and so on. I also experiment on my own sand clay recipes too! :) But there will not be any new item from the experiment to show here yet. I'll have to wait until next weekend to be able to 'play' again.
OK, now let's talk about ADC tips. You know that ADC dry up when it exposes to air. However, they clay drying rate also increase once you mix the color to the clay. It doesn't matter how tight you seal your bag, it dries. I think it's kind of chemical reaction between the clay and color compositions which speed up the drying process. But this doesn't mean the clay will dry in a heart beat. I mean, normally you may keep the clay for months while the colorized clay will only last for a few weeks. So, it's good to make a plan on making things and amount of clay to be colorized for each use.
Clay and tools, with Fimo and other PC. Once it comes to time you play with tools, you will need cornstarch or talcum powder to powder/coat you tools to prevent the stickiness and gluing effect between the clay and tools. What about ADC? It's not much different. With ADC you can also use talc or cornstarch or dense/rich hand cream - in many CP recipes/tutorials the suggestion is cold cream.
Now, get ready, grab stuff around and see if you can use some for your mini making/sculpturing 'tools'. Have fun! ;)
Something different! :D I decided to tried mini food sets out. The concept was a set of food for one person ready to serve on a wooden tray. They came out quite nicely! The dishes and plates are not glue to the tray so, you can re-arrange them as you like. Isn't it fun to be able to 'play' quite a bit? ;)
After my breads and buns obsession session I'm now back on my regular 'self' again. :D
Today I'd a couple cake done. Working with ADC 'done' means that they are now sitting and drying. lol Often that I wish I'm working with PC and once I'm finish making a cake, it's ready to be displayed. But who is in a hurry? ;)
I think I'm at the edge of mini-making for this period, I'm turning 'blank' and have no idea what to make next. It's time (again)... Gonna put the clay aside and try something else new in between. I used to do paper craft, knitting, crochet, tried some wood works. lol Nothing success though, but it's always good to try something else from time to time. Who knows I could turn to be a knitting or crochet master some day... ;) hehehehe
OK, something else other than regular cream cake, marble cake! :) The cake is made of Thai Clay while the flowers are from Japanese Luna clay. I managed to get the stripes of cream and chocolate part. Yes, beside marble sponge cake this one is marble cream cake! :D Well, it was fun trying this and that and even better when the result come out quite nicely.
When I started my clay play, I was afraid of 'experiment' and was intended to follow other artisans' pathways and techniques and kept my cakes 'traditional'. Anyway, it was not fun...
Making miniatures with ADC is a great chance to learn, adapt, adopt, invent, adjust and play with techniques and the materials. I intend to do scratch, sculpt, knead and twist, etc. techniques rather than moldings. Seeing ancient handmade items with delicate details inspire me a lot. If they can with a lot less and very limited tools, why can't I?
The truth? Ok... :P Actually, it was because when I started making minis I was still working on my master degree in a university and as a student (then) and even now I have limited budget. I have to make good, better and best use of things I have - even laboratory stuff. *lol* To be on brighter side, these things made me think and that makes my grey cells work a bit... ;)
I've been 'playing' with ADC for quite a while with a couple different 'brand' or whatever so called. As ADC comes in translucent white (rarely come in white) therefore, once you would like to make the clay into something you need to add color to it.
Color used:
You can use almost (I said almost because I did not try all type of the color available yet) artist color: water color, poster color, oil color, acrylic color, etc. Just add them into the clay and knead the mixtures to get even color.
Water and poster color give pastel tone of color while acrylic and oil color give you stronger color. However, it's depend on the way you mix the color. If you are familiar with color and painting, I'm sure you can make it out whatever you want.
I, finally, finished my bakery house! :D It's so fun with all these 'clay play'! I warn you... ;)
Hehehe :D I guessed you see that I've a new obsession, breads and buns. In all I almost get stuff for a bakery shop done, and they are all made of ADC. :) This time it's black and white breads scene. I couldn't get all names yet though... Any suggestion?
For ADC there are 'homemade' recipes available online together with the recipe cooking how-to. If you compare home made cornstarch clay to cold porcelain recipe you will see the similarity. The main ingredients are cornstarch and water and then other ingredients are added. With cornstarch/flour you need to cook the recipe, but with substitute of kaolin or talcum no cooking needed - so they say some homemade Luna clay recipes use these substances.
Most of the ingredients' quantity/amount used are just as guideline, you may need to adjust the amount for your own use, add more liquid to get more fluidized clay and add more cornstarch to make your clay more dense. Playing with clay is something like chemical laboratory experiment! :D
And there are many more interesting recipe online!
I'm addicted and became obsessed on making minis using ADC, not the one I made by myself, but the clay on my current experiment is local made not a manufacturer/brand one and it's quite easy to work with. More or less similar to my regular clay.
If you like the pic. above, the bakes are made of this local made ADC, Thai Clay, to be more exact. Fantastic aren't they? ;)
There are several different type of clay used for miniatures and sculptures. For miniature food, you may familiar with Polymer Clay like Fimo which is also known as oven or bake clay which needs to be baked in oven to get its final properties. Cold porcelain is well known for realistic look flower making and it's a kind of clay that do not need to be baked to make it hard and fully 'set' when it dried.
Yet, there are many more type of clay used for art and craft...
Research & Experience:
I started my mini-making using ADC, Japanese ADC known as Pando or Pan Clay and Cosmos and also work with Fimo from time to time. Later on I use Luna Clay which is also ADC. The properties of these clay are not much different. I don't know what exactly the ingredients of these clay are. But from internet searchings, information exchanging with several other crafters and sculptures brought me to my conclusion that cold porcelain and the ADC I use are quite similar they all started from homemade bread dough then, develop the recipe for better properties especially, to prevent disturbance from insects and molds.
There are pros and cons on each and every clay and that once you decide to 'play' with it you may need to do some experiments to get used to its properties.
I'm playing with ribbon! :D It's another way to decorate a cake beside decorating cream. My trials on 1-tier cakes came out nicely and the 1:24th scale wedding cake came out well too. My latest wedding cake replication orders have a couple with ribbon decoration. One came out with satisfaction on the classy look of the cake, creamy white cake with ivory ribbon and red roses! :)
Yessssss! Let the sun shine in, flowers are blooming! :) It's such a good feeling with all these flowers around and you can see I'm so much into flower cake! lol
My previous flower cakes were with plain, mono-tone flower. Like plain red, purple, yellow, etc. Playing with shade and tone makes the flower cake nicer. I saw it but I didn't get it (by then). :|
Just got a message from one of my mini-jewelry customer that she enjoy the bracelet she ordered and got many compliments on it too. I'm so happy to hear that. I made the mini-jewelry with dollhouse miniature quality and details and glad that all my effort I put on the work are noticed!
Life is beautiful, just let the sun shine in... :)
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet; And so are you...
And my version is:
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I am here *look around*, And there are you!
Sweet isn't it? :D
This miniature cake is also sweet. I made this cake using pinkish tone flowers as main theme and tiny pale/pastel color flowers as decoration. The heart of the cake are deep pink roses surrounded with orange-pink roses and white rose buds. Beneath the roses are tiny 4 petals light green, yellow, pale lilac, pale blue flowers.
The cake is in white cream color with decorating cream wrapping around. I, normally, make chocolate cake for flower cake. I love dark color of the cake which drives beautiful color of the decorating flowers, it gives nice contrast. But white cream cake made flower cake soft and sweet. Love it! :)
Making miniature cake is fun and relax (no, I don't say I'm addicted! ;)). There are variety in both size and color and that you can 'play' with flower cake. :D
I had a look at photos of my previous mini-cake and found out that half (or more) of the minis I made were flower cakes. They are in different color, style and shape. When I start making them, most of the time I have no 'design' in my head. I just 'go with the flow'.
It's also fun making cake body. My regular cake body is a simple circle piece of clay or for sliced one is layered clay. How many way can we make our cake body different? Have to think about that and try something new. ;)
My darlin' I have often thought of things we used to do And now I sit and wonder why you're gone and left me blue You said you'd never leave me You said you'd never go
Oh my darlin', why do I love you so Oh my darlin', why do I love you so
Oooo - Oooo - Oooo - Oooo.......
Is it because you stroked my hair When you were by my side Or is it because of the tears you cried When your little puppy died You said you'd never leave me You said you'd never go
Oh my darlin', why do I love you so Oh my darlin', why do I love you so
Yes, simply like that. No matter how long you would like it last it will melt. The only way you can keep it longer is in cold place (like fridge) and away from your hand even if it breaks your heart. Otherwise, closely adore it in your warm and gentle palm, yet it melts down...
Either way it melts and it makes your heart melt...
I was asked from crafty moms about making play food - kids activity. Well, I think first of all you will need play dough or any colored air dry clay for your kinds and scale up cake or ice cream to make it easier for kids to do. I recommend cookie cutter to get your cake body, paper punch for leaves and flowers or bears, etc. But if you enjoy baking, bake clay will be perfect! I'll write more when I figure some more thing out. :)
Happy, I am happy you can see, you can see... la la la laaaaaaaa (I'm singing. :D)
Spring time for me is not just long daylight time and sun-bathing. When I was young (just a couple years back ;)) spring time always bring up and bring back my love of fairy tales. Birds and bees were my tiny, little fairies. Small mushrooms were their houses and the fairies and elf were cooking, talking & playing in their spring backyard.
Still remember those time fairy tales were 'real' to you and that you were searching for tiny tinker bell all over? Ever wish you can fly and spell with a magic wand? I found bones on my back and thought they were my wings and that if I'm a good girl the wings will grow up and I can fly someday...
I enjoy making miniatures, especially miniature cakes and bakes. It's fun! And the fun starts when I prepare the clay until I finish making them. This is so additive! (or is it simply my obsession?). ;)
I remember the time I started to make my own miniature cake and had completely no idea what to do or where to start and decided to went ahead with all trials and errors expecting nothing for any good use, but lesson(s) learned...
There, I started with a block of clay and color pen's cap. It did not look difficult before I started to make, those cakes look cute and some look so simple. So, I got the clay colored, cut it out by a pen cap. OK, I got a cake body and now what?
Let start. We will do it together. First, if you have nothing at all but a pen or two. Get one and take the cap out or grab one of your cookie cutters. Color the clay or use colored clay you want, flat it down to your desired thickness, cut it out in round shape or shape of your 'cake cutter'.
You now got you cake body ready for decoration. Want decorating cream? Roll a small amount of clay into small round ball, make some of them enough to decorated the cake base and top, if you like.
Toppings? You can roll small snakes and cut the snake into short rods and use the rods for cake topping like chocolate sticks. Line them radically on the cake or make simple cherry balls, make a tear drop shape of red clay into strawberry, etc. You do not have to do everything exactly like in reality, just simplify it the way you can. Have paper punch? Roll the clay into thin sheet and punch it out to shape(s) and use the punched out clay to decorate your cake. Now, it's up to your imagination. Have fun! :)
This is a cute, tiny wedding cake set. A set of three, one for her, one for him and one for us...
What's behind the scene? Men and women are alike yet different in many ways (men are from Mars, women are from Venus?). I found out that even if we all are from planet earth, we are alike and we are different. Like dark and white chocolate, we can be both, bitter and sweet (and yum!). :D
Love brings man and woman together with fondness and delicate feelings like pink rose. Strong and determine like dark chocolate. Gentle and sweet like white chocolate... Think back to the day you fall in love, do you still remember those butterflies in your stomach? Your eager and impatient waiting for dawn and frown on the dusk? Oh... I'm in love... ♥ *evil grin*
Many of us would like to have some other specific design for certain items for our own purpose. The only problem is many items we found are 'almost' what we want to have, but anyway it's not 'it'.
So, what others do? They ask if some item can be done with different details to suit their need. Therefore, custom order service begin! Doesn't sound bad, huh? :)
I got messages for custom order, some are different from my regular items and they are sure fun to work with. I enjoy these custom orders as much as my regular stuff. I found out that the most important thing is communication.
So far, every of my custom order/made to order items are what the person who ordered/the buyer want to have. If there is no picture available from the buyer, I will do some internet searchings and send a pic or two to my buyer. And then, we got the same idea of what they want and what I will make. Or in case of real item replication. I would, beforehand, inform them that some parts will need to be simplify. I can't beat mother nature and her creations. lol I can only try my best to keep things similar or close to what the real one is. (Some items, after I finished making, I do not want to ship them to my buyers and just wanted to keep them in my personal collection... :P)
I recently got orders and quite a few inquiries asking if I do wedding cake replication. My answer is 'Yes', but I also need to see a picture or two of the cake in order to be able to tell you if the cake is beyond my ability to replicate or not. Ideally, I would like to make them exactly the same - real and replicated mini-cake. My replication version is always with details as much as I can do out of the real version. And I work on it little by little to get the best result, the order takes around 2-3 weeks to finish. Once the cake is shipped, I only hope the mini-cake pleases the owner...
This is my latest wedding cake replication work. I really like the cake, I even fell in love with it when I started to make those tiny flowers in different shade (I'm asking for permission to post picture(s) of the real cake here for your reference). :)
And here are more picture of the replicated and original cake. :)